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Question & Answer Cards


Cards must be assigned to a deck, either using an Obsidian tag such as #flashcard or by using the folder structure within the vault.

See Decks for further details.

Single-line Basic

The prompt and the answer are separated by :: (this can be configured in settings).

the question goes on this side::answer goes here!

Displayed when reviewed

Card Front

the question goes on this side

Card Back

answer goes here!

Single-line Bidirectional

Two cards are created from the single flashcard text.

The two parts are separated by ::: (this can be configured in settings).

For example:

info 1:::info 2

Card 1


info 1


info 2

Card 2


info 2


info 1

These two cards are considered sibling cards. See sibling cards regarding the Bury sibling cards until the next day scheduling option.

Multi-line Basic

The front and the back of the card are separated by ? (this can be configured in settings).

As per the definition
of "multiline" the prompt
can be on multiple lines
same goes for
the answer

Displayed when reviewed

Card Front

As per the definition
of "multiline" the prompt
can be on multiple lines

Card Back

same goes for
the answer

These can also span over multiple lines as long as both sides "touch" the ?.

See Cards with Blank Lines if blank lines need to be included.

Multi-line Bidirectional

Two cards are created from the single flashcard text.

The two parts are separated by ?? (this can be configured in settings).

For example:

info 1A
info 1B
info 1C
info 2A
info 2B

These can also span over multiple lines as long as both sides "touch" the ??: To include blank lines, see the section below.

Card 1


info 1A
info 1B
info 1C


info 2A
info 2B

Card 2


info 2A
info 2B


info 1A
info 1B
info 1C

These two cards are considered sibling cards. See sibling cards regarding the Bury sibling cards until the next day scheduling option.